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January 20th, 2022. Thursday.
Magic: The Gathering
Today I met Mr. D at Akihabara station and went to the place where we could play Magic: The Gathering (hereinafter called MTG). Eventually, I met him for the first time. He was big boned and tall. We went to “Yellow Submarine”. According to his prior information, there seemed to be not that many people. It was exactly as he said.
I won’t need to explain the rule of MTG. Because almost all the readers know MTG better than I. According to Mr. D, MTG was one of the most famous games in the world. Japan was no exception. But I wondered why I didn’t yet know MTG till now.
In the first place, the reason why we went playing MTG in Akihabara was because Mr. D introduced me to MTG in the Skype discussion. As I totally didn’t know that, I saw the YouTube videos he sent me. I was still not sure of what MTG was, so I browsed the internet and found the official website of Japan. It was written in Japanese!
I looked through the basic rule and explanation. Unfortunately, I was still not sure. MTG was a very complicated game.
Arriving at “Yellow Submarine”, I bought the red colored MTG cards and their holders. Originally, I wanted to buy the combination cards like red, blue and white. But there were not such cards. The reason why I selected red was because I liked red, which was the color of Hiroshima Carp of Nippon Professional Baseball.
I had another concern. That was language. I should buy which language, Japanese or English. If I play MTG with my family, Japanese will be fine. Since the rule is already difficult enough, nobody will have interest to play it. However, I finally bought English one. Mr. D told me that children would understand the rule and even English as fast as possible.
I completely thought we played MTG with other members, but I played MTG with Mr. D one to one. I felt really relieved, because I had not yet understood the rule. We played it three times. I came to understand the rule gradually. But it was not enough. I couldn’t understand what is written in each card clearly. This time I just understood 1) meaning of cards: Mana, Sorcery and Creature, 2) tapping and untapping, 3) casting spells, 4) attacking and blocking.
The reason why it was hard to understand was represented, for instance, by “casting spells”.
Both “cast” and “spell” are basic English, but unless I understand the meaning of “spell” which is not English spelling but “charm”, that doesn’t make sense at all for me. The terminology of game is very particular.
I will blush up MTG seeing YouTube videos or reading the manual. It was also good for my English improvement. It is important to have fun!
January 20th, 2022. Thursday.
Magic: The Gathering
Today I met Mr. D at Akihabara station and went to the place where we could play Magic: The Gathering (hereinafter called MTG). I met him for the first time. He was a big boned and a tall guy. We went to “Yellow Submarine”. According to his prior information, there seemed to be not that many people. It was exactly as he said.
I won’t be needing any explanation of the rule of MTG. Because almost all the readers know MTG better than me. According to Dustin, MTG was one of the most famous games in the world. Japan was no exception for it. But I wondered why I didn’t yet know about MTG till now.
In the first place, the reason why we went to play MTG in Akihabara was because Mr. D introduced me to MTG in a Skype discussion. As I totally didn’t know that, I watched the YouTube videos he sent me. I was still not sure about what MTG was, so I browsed on the internet and found the official website for Japan. It was written in Japanese!
I looked through the basic rules and explanation. Unfortunately, I was still not sure. MTG was a very complicated game.
Arriving at “Yellow Submarine”, I bought the red–colored MTG cards and I added some cardholders. Originally, I wanted to buy a set of combined cards like red, blue and white. But there were not such cards. The reason why I selected red was because I liked red, which is the color of the “Hiroshima Carps” a professional Japanese Baseball team.
I had another concern. That was the language. I should buy either in Japanese or English. If I play MTG with my family, Japanese will be fine. Since the rules are already difficult, nobody will have an interest to play them. However, I finally bought an English one. Mr. D told me that children would understand the rules and even English as fast as possible.
I completely thought we would be playing MTG with other members, but I played MTG with Mr. D one to one. I felt really relieved, because I had not understood the rules yet. We played it three times. I came to understand the rules gradually. But it was not enough. I couldn’t understand what is written on each card clearly. This time I just understood 1) the meaning of cards: Mana, Sorcery and Creature, 2) tapping and untapping, 3) casting spells, 4) attacking and blocking.
The reason why it was hard to understand was represented, for instance, by “casting spells”.
Both “cast” and “spell” are basic English. But unless I understand the meaning of “spell” which is spelled in English as “charm”, that didn’t make sense at all for me. [But I only know the meaning of “spell” as to form a word by writing. I don’t know the meaning of “charm” or “incantation”. So that doesn’t make sense at all for me.] The terminology of this game is very particular.
I will blush up on MTG by wathcing some YouTube videos or reading the manuals. It was also good for my English improvement. It is important to have fun!