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January 17th 2022. Monday.
The Birthday Concert
Today I went to Suntory Hall to listen to the commemorative concert of Mr. Shigeaki, Saegusa at the age of 80. Mr. Saegusa is a famous musical composer in Japan. I participate in a male choir organized by him.
We listened to his works, a mixed chorus named “The last message” and new piano concert.
The former originally had been a male chorus. But according to Mr. Saegusa, as there is almost no male choir in Japan, a male chorus will be obsolete after his death. Because he would like to leave this work to posterity, he revised the original version to the mix chorus version.
My impression was not so good. Key tone was too high to be comfortable to listen. To be honest, it only sounded like shrill-toned voice for me.
The main event of this concert was new piano concerto of which Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii played the piano. He was famous for a blind pianist. Mr. Saegusa composed this work for Mr. Tsujii. He seemed to practice this work for about 2 years because it was technically very hard to play. It was kind of a piece of contemporary music, therefore, I couldn’t understand its goodness well.
January 17th, 2022. Monday.
The Birthday Concert
Today I went to Suntory Hall to listen to the commemorative concert of Mr. Shigeaki, Saegusa at the age of 80. Mr. Saegusa is a famous music composer in Japan. I participate in a male choir organized by him.
We listened to his works, performed by a mixed chorus named “The last message” and a new piano concert.
The former originally had been a male chorus. But according to Mr. Saegusa, as there are almost no male choirs in Japan, and a male chorus will be obsolete after his death. Because he wanted to leave this work to posterity, he revised the original version to the mix chorus version.
My impression was not so good. The key tone was too high to be comfortable to listen to. And to be honest, it only sounded like a shrill-toned voice for me.
The main event of this concert was the new piano concerto in which Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii played the piano. He was famous for being a blind pianist. Mr. Saegusa composed this work for Mr. Tsujii. He seemed to practice this work for about 2 years because it was technically very hard to play. It was kind of a piece of contemporary music, therefore, I couldn’t understand its goodness well.