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December 31st, 2021. Friday.
I went to the classical music concert in Tokyo Bunka Kaikan. That concert was very special. It was named “Beethoven all symphonies consecutive concerts”. It meant literally that the orchestra played all the symphonies Beethoven composed for one day.
I love Beethoven’s music very much. When I was in the 4th grade of elementary school, my parents bought cassette tapes of Beethoven. There were three tapes, which were Beethoven Symphony No.5, No.6 “Pastoral” and No.9 “Choir”. I was very curious about listening to those. I was soon into those pieces. That’s why I have loved to listen to the classical music.
Last June I joined a male choir by introduction of my old friend. That choir was led by Mr. Shigeaki Saegusa, who is one of the most famous composes in Japan. This concert has been organized by him for many years. So I was able to know this concert. The conductor was Mr. Kenichiro Kobayashi, who was 81 years old. He was so old that this was the last one to conduct this concert.
On the previous day I attended the seminar and knew the conversation between the God and Beethoven. The God entrusted him to compose “Ode to joy”. Tears welled up in my eyes many times when I listened to Beethoven’s works. Especially, when I listened to the opening theme of the fourth movement of Symphony No.5, I couldn’t stop crying silently. What soul-stirring music those are! We did a standing ovation for a long time.
It was 20 minutes to the new year midnight. I rushed over coming back home and arrived at 30 seconds to the new year. I listened to Tokyu Silvester Concert on TV and celebrated the new year of 2022 with my family.
December 31st, 2021. Friday.
I went to the classical music concert in Tokyo Bunka Kaikan. That concert was very special. It was named “Beethoven all symphonies consecutive concerts”. It meant literally that the orchestra played all the symphonies Beethoven composed for one day.
I love Beethoven’s music very much. When I was in the 4th grade of elementary school, my parents bought cassette tapes of Beethoven. There were three tapes, which were Beethoven Symphony No.5, No.6 “Pastoral” and No.9 “Choir”. I was very curious about listening to those. I was soon into those pieces. That’s why I have loved to listen to classical music since then.
Last June I joined a male choir due to one of my old friends. That choir was led by Mr. Shigeaki Saegusa, who is one of the most famous composes in Japan. This concert has been organized by him for many years. So I was able to know this concert. The conductor was Mr. Kenichiro Kobayashi, who was 81 years old. He was so old that this was the last time for him to conduct this concert.
On the previous day I attended the seminar and knew there about the conversation between God and Beethoven. God entrusted him to compose “Ode to joy”. Tears welled up in my eyes many times when I listened to Beethoven’s works. Especially, when I listened to the opening theme of the fourth movement of Symphony No.5, I couldn’t stop crying silently. What kind of beautiful pieces of soul-stirring music those are!
It was 20 minutes to New-year. I rushed over coming back home and I made it 30 seconds before to new year. I listened to Tokyu Silvester Concert on TV and celebrated the new year of 2022 with my family.