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January 22nd, 2022. Saturday.
Body temperature
Today, I made an appointment with Mr. P who was the founder of a ceramic tile bathing. He told me many examples about those who recovered from cancer.
According to him, the only key to recover from all kinds of diseases was to improve my immune system. Body temperature was really important in order that my immune system worked enough. He explained me that 37.0 degree was the best body temperature.
The preliminary goal should be 36.5 degree if I was a low temperature person. He strictly required that I should check my body temperature the moment I just woke up every day. Body temperature when I just woke up seemed to be the lowest a day.
Honestly speaking, I am writing this article on February 6th, 2022. I have been convinced my body temperature is around 36.2. In accordance with his instruction, I examined my body temperature when I just woke up in the bed, and I found my body temperature was 35.8, which was lower than I expected. I was very surprised and shocked. I was a truly low temperature person.
So, I have been attending to the ceramic tile bathing since then.
Immune system was related with the number of lymphocytes. So, he also suggested me to examine the number of lymphocytes for a blood test next time.
As far as I knew in Japan, normally a blood test didn’t include the number of lymphocytes.
January 22nd, 2022. Saturday.
The body’s temperature
Today, I made an appointment with Mr. P who was the founder of a ceramic tile bathing. He told me many examples about those who recovered from cancer.
According to him, the only key to recovering from all kinds of diseases was to improve my immune system. The body’s temperature was really important so that my immune system worked well. He explained to me that 37.0 degrees was the best body temperature.
The preliminary goal should be 36.5 degrees if I was a low–temperature person. He strictly said that I should check my body’s temperature the moment I just woke up every day. The body’s temperature when people just wake up seems to be the lowest of the day.
Honestly speaking, I am writing this article on February 6th, 2022. I have been convinced my body’s temperature is around 36.2. In accordance with his instruction, I examined my body’s temperature when I just woke up in the bed, and I found my body temperature was 35.8, which was lower than I expected. I was very surprised and shocked. I was a truly low temperature person.
So, I have been attending to the ceramic tile bathing since then.
The immune system was related to the number of lymphocytes. So, he also suggested me to examine the number of lymphocytes through a blood test next time.
As far as I knew in Japan, normally a blood test didn’t include the number of lymphocytes.