2021/12/29 (英語日記) Crypto Currency

Giver Life(英語日記)


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December 29th, 2021. Wednesday.

Crypto Currency

Today I wrote a book review of “クリプト維新” on Amazon.
I didn’t know crypto currency at all before I attended kind of a spiritual seminar in September. The speaker suffered from serious diabetes 10 years ago. The doctor told him that both his legs had to be amputated. He found himself to be about to die soon. After amputation surgery was informed by the doctor, he saw some dragons and phoenixes in his house. Miraculously his disease had been rapidly cured. Someone in the sky gave him a message, saying that “You should show people these pictures so that they can uplift their fortune.” He has continued to open the seminar since then.

By the way, crypto currency is not related with the seminar’s main speaker. His friend explained altcoins and NFT (“non fungible token”) to the attendees before main speech. I was interested in such a new financial world.
When I worked for Deloitte, I used to be very restricted about investment by CPA laws and guidance. I, as a financial audit partner, must be independent of any kind of steak holders. Since I left Deloitte, I have been free from the chain of “independence”.
Now I invested in some altcoins through some crypto exchange market or crypto trading companies.

The author stated that crypto currency, Decentralized Exchange (DEX) and mining system would bring about kind of conditional basic income. It is very hard to describe that system comprehensively. As far as I understand, you can not only sell and buy crypto currency freely but also lend crypto currency you have to the trading company as we like. You can enjoy capital gain (but you may suffer from capital loss) and you can also enjoy income gain by this system.
The finance system all over the world was centralized until now. But I expect that crypto currency associated with decentralized system cannot be controlled by the existing financial institution and the government.


December 29th, 2021. Wednesday.

Crypto Currency

Today I wrote a book review of “クリプト維新” on Amazon.
I didn’t know about crypto-currency at all before I attended kind of a spiritual seminar in September. The speaker suffered from serious diabetes 10 years ago. The doctor told him that both his legs had to be amputated. He found himself to be near death soon. He informed the doctor, he saw some dragons and phoenixes in his house. This was juts before the amputation surgery took place. Miraculously his disease had been rapidly cured. Someone in the sky gave him a message, saying that “You should show people these pictures so that they can uplift their fortune.” He has continued to open the seminar since then.

By the way, crypto-currency is not related to the seminar’s main speaker. His friend explained altcoins and NFT (“nonfungible token”) to the attendees before the main speech. I was interested in such a new financial world.
When I worked for Deloitte, I used to be very restricted about investment by CPA laws and guidance. I, as a financial audit partner, must be independent of any kind of stakeholders. Since I left Deloitte, I have been free from the chain of “independence”.
Now I invested in some altcoins through some crypto exchange market or crypto trading companies.

The author stated that crypto currency, Decentralized Exchange (DEX), and mining system would bring a kind of conditional basic income. It is very hard to describe that system comprehensively. As far as I understand, you can not only sell and buy crypto currency freely but also lend crypto currency you have to the trading company as we like. You can enjoy capital gain (but you may suffer from capital loss) and you can also enjoy income gain by this system.
The financial system all over the world was centralized until now. But I expect that cryptocurrency associated with a decentralized system cannot be controlled by the existing financial institution and the government.
