
ビスケット・コメント/Biscuit Comments








April 2nd, 2023. Sunday.

Self-deprecating view of history and a declining America

I joined college learning courses for adults online. I always see that with my wife, and sometimes with my daughter, too.

Lestening to a lecture on the history of the Pacific War by the teacher Takeo Saito, I rethought the self-deprecating view of history. Why did the victorious countries earnestly make Japanese people think using a self-reproaching mindset? Before this question, we should ask if they really provide Japanese people with a brainwashing education.

If it is right, we Japanese, disregarded so long the study about Japanese, didn’t we?

In the evening, I watched the YouTube video of “Mademoiselle Ai” for the first time in a year.

“There is no future in the United States and US dollars. So Donald Trump doesn’t have to insist his justice for the US citizens. He should leave the Declining America to the Democrats.” This may be an insightful view.

Even if the current common sense changes to the contrary, it is up to me whether I am not afraid of being who I am.
